Liturgy and Worship
Liturgy and Worship
Art and Environment
The Art and Environment committee works with decorating the church for various liturgies and seasons of the liturgical year. Parishioners with talent in sewing or decorating, and who are interested in enhancing the worship environment, are encouraged to join the Art and Environment Committee. For information call Velda Burdin at 636-937-8545.
Cantor/Song Leader
Cantors lead the singing at the weekend Masses. Contact organist Chris Auchly at 314-306-0323 if you would like to cantor.
Choir - Sunday
If you enjoy singing and are looking to use your musical talent, the Choir is for you. Singers join us in the choir loft at both 7:30 and 11 AM Masses on Sundays. There are no auditions or tryouts required. The Choir is always looking for good singers. If you are interested, please contact Chris Auchly, Choir Director (314-306-0323).
Choir – Festival
A Festival Choir is formed for the Liturgies of Christmas (Midnight Mass) and Holy Week/Easter. Rehearsals are for 6-8 weeks before each Festival on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. New members are ALWAYS welcome. Contact Chris Auchly, Choir Director (314-306-0323).
Choir - Funeral
Members of the funeral choir are notified when there is a funeral Mass at Sacred Heart. If you would like to help with singing at funerals when you have availability, please call the Parish Office at 636-937-4662.
Communion (Extraordinary) Ministers
Are those parishioners who have been commissioned to minister the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass especially on Sunday, Holy Days, Holidays and at daily Mass if possible. For more information, contact Fr. Mike or Bob Graf.
Communion to the Homebound
There are many Extraordinary Ministers who, along with the priest, take Communion to the shut-ins and sick in homes, nursing homes and hospital. Call the Parish Office (636-937-4662) if you know of someone who wants a home visit.
Gift Bearers
Gift Bearers are those who take up the wine and hosts at each Mass on the weekends and holy days. If you would like to take up the gifts at Mass, see the ushers before Mass begins.
Lectors are those parishioners who have volunteered their services to the parish to proclaim the scripture at Mass, especially on Sundays, Holy Days, Holidays and daily Mass, if possible. Contact Father Mike or the parish office if you would like to read at Mass.
Parishioners with musical abilities are encouraged to offer their talents to enhance our worship. If interested contact the organist, Chris Auchly at 314-306-0323.
Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is done in the convent chapel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Special focus of this adoration is to pray for vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated religious life. Anyone can make a visit at any time. For more information call Terri Wolk at (314)620-7527.
All boys and girls in 4th grade are eligible to become servers at Sacred Heart for Sunday Mass, Holy Days, and special celebrations. Training is coordinated by Fr. Mike.
Servers for Funerals (Adults)
We have a couple of people who volunteer to serve, but we are looking for other adults to volunteer for serving at funerals. To volunteer please call Fr. Mike.
The Ushers greet people and usher on Sunday mornings at the Masses. They meet 3 or 4 times a year in the school cafeteria. Rick Smock 314-406-2145 is the president of the ushers.