Christian Service

Christian Service

 Legion of Mary

       This group is a world-wide organization of Catholics, men and women, who aid their pastor by performing spiritual works in the parish. This is done by placing themselves under the banner of Mary so that with her help they may develop greater holiness in their own lives as well as spread a deeper devotion to her among others. Their objectives are: 1) The personal sanctification of its members, who, taking Mary as their model, endeavor to imitate her virtues, especially her Faith, Charity, and Humility; 2) The spread of devotion to Mary, primarily by encouraging the recitation of the Rosary (Mary's request at Fatima); 3) The performance of apostolic work under the direction of the Spiritual Director of the parish unit of the Legion. The contact for the group is Shirley Perry (636-479-4964). The Legion meets every Tuesday morning at 8:45 a.m. in the Rectory Meeting Room.

 Martha-Mary Group

       As part of our expression of concern for the cares and sorrows of our parish members, this group hosts lunches for family and guests after the funeral liturgy of a loved one. Members of the parish donate food, and specific arrangements are made with the family at the time of the loss. There is no cost to the family for this meal, but donations are accepted. The meals are served in the Parish Hall (Gymnasium). Julia Hagan is the contact person (636-937-7181).

 Parish Office Volunteer

       There are times when the Parish Office Staff can use extra help to get mailings out in a timely manner. If you are interested in helping out, call the Parish Office at 636-937-4662.


       The Pro-Life group of Sacred Heart helps coordinate all the Pro-Life activities in the parish and keeps the parish informed of the work. This includes the Pro-Life Coalition, Pro-Life Chain in the fall and organizing letter writing campaigns to the various Senators and Representatives to help revoke the abortion on demand law. Mary Ellen Argana is the contact at (636)208-3510.

 Sacred Heart Quilters

       This group donates time and talent every Thursday morning and evening to make beautiful quilts. In October they host a Quilt Social/Chili Supper. The quilters are always eager to welcome new members, and appreciate donations of quilt tops, batting and other supplies. Phyllis Doyle is the contact person for the quilters (636-208-5232).

 Red Cross Blood Drive

       Every year Sacred Heart Parish sponsors 2 Blood Drives for the American Red Cross. There is always a need for people to help with the drive itself and to help set it up and clean up after it is finished.

 St. Vincent de Paul

       The St. Vincent de Paul Society is an organization of volunteers in the parish who help those in need in our parish boundaries. They collect clothing and furniture and help people with utility assistance as well as make referrals to other agencies for help. Funds are raised by selling Our Sunday Visitors after Masses on the weekends, by operating a clothing room in the annex, an annual Rummage Sale and by the generous donations of our parishioners. The President is Camille Graf. Contact her at (314)609-8925 if you are interested in helping.